Let them sleep, for when they wake they will move mountains.

My name is Jay, mummy to 3 gorgeous girls and sleep expert. Once upon a time I used to be exhausted, snappy, lonely and emotional due to lack of sleep as my first born was not sleeping well. I took a leap, a leap that no one around me had taken… to teach my child to sleep independently.
What Sleep Challenges Are You Facing?
Wake ups in the night?
Encouraging to link sleep cycles independently can prevent wake ups
Early morning wake ups?
Early rising can be due to lack of sleep in 24 hours and/or sleep timings not suiting your little one
Is your little one going through sleep regression?
I describe this as progression, as your little one is developing, sleep is changing for them. Understanding the science behind sleep can help
Refusing to sleep in their cot?
Encouraging independent sleep, can take time, consistency, and perseverance
Bed & nap time challenges?
Working around your little ones wake windows can help prevent this